4 Ways a Dirty Air Filter Harms Your Car’s Engine – Blog

4 Ways a Dirty Air Filter Harms Your Car’s Engine

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4 Ways a Dirty Air Filter Harms Your Car’s Engine

4 Ways a Dirty Air Filter Harms Your Car’s Engine

Taking care of your car has varying degrees of difficulty depending on the model and your general knowledge of warning signs to look out for. However, among the numerous working parts of your vehicle, your engine is the last one you want to neglect. These four ways a dirty air filter harms your car’s engine highlight the importance of maintaining this crucial element to keep your vehicle in good working order.

Faster Gas Consumption

The airflow within your engine is essential to create a hospitable condition to work efficiently. A bad air filter allows more dust into your engine’s area. As a result, it must work harder to get the same job done, thus expending more fuel in the process. Maintaining the filters keeps you from unnecessarily spending more on gas than you need to.

Higher Chance of Overheating

Good airflow is necessary for ensuring your engine stays at a reasonable temperature. Filters clogged by dust inevitably end up suffocating the engine of the air it needs to cool down. The last thing you want is your engine block getting warped because of the intense heat it underwent when it was not designed to endure it in the first place. Consequently, oil leaks and worse overall engine performance result from an overheated engine.

More Engine Misfires

Low air to fuel ratios caused by dirtied or poorly maintained spark plugs are the likely culprits in every horror movie car that is not able to get started reliably. When not properly maintained, air filters cause issues for more important parts than just your engine. Still, a few unwanted moments due to a struggling car start extend your stay. If suffering the minor inconvenience is not enough, think about how important your car’s reliability is in a place you would really like to leave.

Troubling Exhaust Issues

Burning fuel does not make the best smell and is relatively noticeable on account of the black smoke that comes out of your pipes. Air filters that you’ve neglected result in fuel’s potential to leak through your vehicle’s systems and into the exhaust pipe. Not only is this dangerous for the environment, but it can also create debilitating issues for your car in the long run.

If you’re looking to buy an engine air filter, being aware of these four ways a dirty air filter harms your car’s engine helps put yourself and others in safer conditions when driving your vehicle. The air filters may not always be at the top of everyone’s maintenance list. But just like many other smaller parts, they fulfill significant roles that affect the most critical aspects of your ride. Taking preventative measures and replacing them regularly are the best ways to keep your car going strong with little effort.

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